
Discussing Why College Students Need Health Insurance

By Maryl Joop

Have you ever seen those heartbreaking documentaries that show you how hard life is in Africa? The reels take you through communities where children live without shoes or shirts, families go days without food, and people suffering from debilitating diseases they can't afford to treat.

There will be many things that you will have to learn while you're learning to live on your own. You will definitely have to learn how to buy and cook your own food.

This can be difficult because you will not have the assistance of your parent's income to help supplement your groceries. This brings up a great point.

First, finding and getting health insurance after a cancer diagnosis is not easy. Many insurance companies will talk your ear off about how much you need their health insurance for the possibility of a terrible diagnosis like cancer, but few will discuss the issue once you receive the bad news. It is hard for people to get health insurance after cancer. The road is difficult because the insurance companies see the person as a liability as opposed to an asset.

While making preparations beforehand, it is important for the couple to make sure that they have all their practical steps accounted for such as looking into insurance during maternity leave.

One major part of adult life that few college students is health care insurance. They just always assume that they will be on their parents' plan, and they don't stop to think of how they will handle it when they need to start buying their own health care insurance.

For one reason or another though, everything changes and they just stop trying. Although it is by no means the public's responsibility to reach out and help these people, how much better off would your neighbors be if you did just that?

Most students agree that health insurance is important, but when it comes down to actually buying coverage, they tend to make excuses. They are young, so they do not think there will come a time where they will need health insurance.

They do not need it now, so they can't imagine a time where they will need it. The truth is that people between the ages of 19 and 29 are the most likely age group to be uninsured.

People were safe and legislation was given that people wanted because the people were involved. The problem today is that many have become disinterested in what's going on around them, thinking only on the changes at the national level.

The couple should not forget the needs of daddy during the hospital stay. Hospital food is, well, interesting at times and more than buying snacks and meals at the hospital can cost a couple a surprising amount of money.

This is why health insurance is so important. You will never be able to see an emergency coming; that is why you must be prepared and buy health insurance now. Although you may not think you need it, you need it. Whether you are on your parents' plan or on an individual plan, get health insurance now.

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