
Your Home Insurance And Worldwide Protection

By Elizabeth Hardenvolk

Humanity around the world is more connected than ever before, and because of this, personal and business travel is increasing dramatically. A lot of people are not aware that they can be protected around the world, in a wide variety of ways, by their home insurance policy.

A holiday in an exotic place could be in your agenda. Snowbirds are people who spend their winters in a warmer climate, you may be included in that group. Your favorite golf clubs, clothing and accessories, and laptop are going with you, and these carry considerable value. If something happens to them while you're travelling, will your home insurance cover them? Before you pay for expensive baggage cover, which can bump up the cost of travel insurance, check whether your bags can be covered on your home insurance policy. This can be a cheaper option, and may also provide cover if, say, your handbag is lost or stolen in your country of origin.

Most home insurance policies provide coverage for personal property temporarily removed from your principal residence. Liability coverage for personal actions worldwide is usually covered by home insurance policies, which protects you if you cause someone injury or damage their property.

Typical times that your home insurance would cover loss or damages:

You fly to Italy, and accidentally drop your camera in the canal while going for a gondola ride. Protected or not? If you have a comprehensive home insurance policy, you'll have coverage for the lost camera, subject to your deductible, no matter where in the world you lose it!

If you are careless when carrying your surfboard on your Hawaii trip, you could cause another person on the beach a serious injury. Insured or not? Liability insurance, included in your home insurance policy, will cover you if you're sued as a result of unintentionally injuring another person, anywhere in the world!

You just finished golfing the game of your life at St. Andrews in Scotland, and join your fellow golf enthusiasts in the clubhouse for a few pints. As you're leaving, you notice that your golf clubs have been stolen. Protected here, or not? Your policy protects your personal items worldwide, so they will go over your claim. There are limits for certain types of property such as sports equipment, so stolen or lost golf clubs may not be fully protected. Check with your insurance agent to make sure you have enough coverage.

Your family is enjoying a California coast trip in your recreational vehicle. Your RV is broken into as you are out adventuring, and your laptop is taken, and your vehicle's flat screen is removed from the wall. Will these be protected by insurance? Your laptop should be covered by your home insurance policy, as it is an item "temporarily removed" from your principal residence. The TV, on the other hand, was attached to the RV, so would need to be claimed under your RV policy.

When you travel, it's nice to know that your home insurance comes with you.

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