
Helping Your Teenager Avoid Aggressive Driving Behaviors

By Maryl Joop

Parents of teenagers can usually agree on one thing: teenagers can be unpredictable. And this unpredictability definitely carries over into their driving habits.

For that reason, people like to take control over what they can so they can sleep better at night. These protections often come in the form of insurance policies, and they can get a bit weird.

There are many famous examples of insuring Bruce Springsteen's voice for $6 million, or Heidi Klum's legs for $2.2 million. The fun doesn't stop there though.

Here are four more weird policies that have really been approved. Take a gander and think if you need to improve your own coverage from an Omaha Insurance Agency.

One way to avoid aggressive driving is to avoid staying in the passing lane on the freeway. Usually, the far left lane is the passing lane on a freeway.

Talking with different professionals will ensure that you are going to be happy with the final camper shell that you decide to purchase.

If you stay in the passing lane for a long time, you are more likely to see aggressive driving. Another great piece of advice is to avoid tailgating other cars.

Second, alien abduction is among the weirdest policies that people have taken out. During a particularly superstitious era of human history, a few insurance companies sold policies for alien abduction.

These companies promised immediate financial help should you be able to prove you were abducted by aliens. The potential medical or psychological problems that could come from alien experimentation were covered in case this ever happened. That said not a single person ever made a viable claim. Looks like the otherworldly knew how to troll mankind.

Third, a jeweler took a huge gamble for publicity in Wilmington, North Carolina. He promised his customers $500,000 in refunds over a two-week promotion if more than 3 inches fell on Christmas Day.

When the car in front of you passes the object, wait for 3 seconds. When the 3 seconds is up, you should be passing that object.

As you are looking through your equipment be sure that everything you are using has been made for the temperature zone that you are going to be spending time in.

Responding to cursing and rude gestures only spawns more anger, aggression, and frustration. Help your teenage driver to see that feeling angry while you are driving is not a good thing.

Gort could no longer participate in popular pastimes such as boxing, fire breathing, or winter sports. Should he be injured in any of these events, his policy would become null and void.

So although these may not always make sense, the protection that comes from an insurance agency in Omaha definitely helps these people prepare for the future. In the case of the jeweler, he put himself into a difficult situation. His insurance policy got him through it though. And if the other situations were to come true, the policy holders would be very thankful they took the time to protect themselves.

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