
Staying Healthy In The Office

By Rey Vetangelo

It may not seem like a risky job but your office job can do a whole heap of damage to your health. You shouldn't just depend on the affordable health care insurance that your company offers you to keep you afloat either. It is better to just take control of your own life and find ways to stay healthy in the office. So first lets talk about some of the possible risks from working in the office.

Of the many changes in healthcare and in health insurance, this change dealing with pre-existing conditions is perhaps the most exciting for all, seemingly no matter what side of the political argument they fall on. While it may be difficult for normal citizens to completely understand what changes are coming to the healthcare system of the United States, it is important for people everywhere to learn all they can about the approaching changes and what they need to do to be prepared for those changes.

One of the first changes to the healthcare system that individuals and families need to be aware of and need to understand what they must do to prepare for the future is getting on to a family health insurance plan that will allow them coverage even with pre-existing conditions.

Offices can be a nasty place for germs and all sorts of problems. Most of the time we don't think about cleaning our office because we don't live there but the fact is that we spend a good portion of our lives at work and should probably find a way to clean up.

For instance should a company be forced to pay health insurance for a particular employee just because that employee works a certain amount of hours? Not only does this limit the amount of hours that employers can work employees it also strains their budget for any one they do have to pay insurance for.

But soon these laws and conditions will change, and it is this modification to the current healthcare system that many people are excitedly awaiting and that many people should start now to prepare for.

Here are some things that you can do to make your office more health friendly.

Once in effect, those persons with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied insurance coverage from insurance providers based upon their pre-existing conditions. This means that those who are sick or who have a pre-existing medical condition will not be denied health insurance coverage from an insurance provider, even if they have been turned down or their application has been rejected in the past.

There are exceptions to this rule, however; one exception to be exact. The one exception that could stop a person with a pre-existing condition the specific insurance coverage options they need for their healthcare regarding their pre-existing condition is if they have a personal or individual health insurance plan.

It is imperative that you take time to stretch and move your body. Even if it is only fifteen minute spurts. Take a few of them throughout the day and you will find that you avoid a lot of chronic pain and tightness in the end.

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