
4 Steps To A Successful Texas Property Tax Protest

By Larry Snyder

Sometimes people may feel that they are paying too much duty to the government. This is maybe after the rates go up after a certain period. When consumers feel that they are being oppressed, they can decide to present formal protestation and present their pleas. The government can then listen to the requests and after considerations, the duties that consumers pay can be reduced. In case you also feel that the custom or tariffs are too much, below is a step-wise guide to Texas property tax protest.

The first step is to file a protestation using a form that is provided by the appraisal municipality. You can also find this form on the website of the taxation section of the district that is appraising the tariffs. You can also send a short letter to the chief appraiser. This is sent to the central appraisal district. The letter you will send will state that you wish to demonstrate for your real estate custom.

The deadline that is set for filing the protestations is usually 30 days after notification of value assessment is sent to you. If you want the taxes to be deducted every year, you can file an objection annually. Even if it may not be granted at times, it is better to try. Thus, ensure that you have objected every year so that your duty can be deducted.

The second step is obtaining your building record card from the central or main office of the appraiser in your district. All the appraisal districts in each and every county should have the record cards containing information of all assessed buildings. These records contain information such as lot size, amenities as well as the building size among others.

If you wish, you can obtain the record card from the official website of the appraisal district. In case you have any questions, make sure you have asked the staff. If you find any errors, this can be a very good place to lay a basis for your protestation. This is because it is not possible to keep accurate data for all properties in the county.

Thirdly, you should establish your building value using three main approaches that Texas uses typically. Thus, appraisal districts determine the market value of your building so that they can grant you the deductions in duty using the three approaches. These include the cost approach, sales comparison, and the income approach.

The fourth step is to go through all the legal avenues so that your protestation can be heard and be granted. This means that you will start by filing the objection and wait to be notified on the date to attend the informal hearing. A staff appraiser conducts the meeting for 15 minutes.

After that, the appraiser will inform you whether the duty will be adjusted or not. After that, there is an appraisal review board hearing that you as the property owner and your agent will attend. The results of informal hearings are usually final for the tax year, and one cannot appeal.

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